Adults and Adolescents
In the State of Texas an individual convicted of a sexual offense and required to undergo treatment, must do so with a Licensed Sex Offender Treatment Provider (LSOTP).
Therapeutic assessment and treatment for individuals with sexual behavior problem are provided by licensed treatment providers who commit to provide assessment and treatment according to specific guidelines.
The professionals at Refined Strength Counseling (RSC) are skilled to work with individuals who struggle with a variety of intellectual and developmental issues. They understand that each person comes with his or her own special concerns and problems and are able to
develop a plan that will best serve that individual.
What to expect:
Assessments might be required by your attorney prior to conviction or by your probation officer or treatment provider following conviction. All Assessments/Evaluations listed below are available through RSC.
Psychosexual Evaluations
Abel Assessments
Risk Assessments
Chaperone Training
The primary model of treatment used is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Treatment of individuals with sexual behavioral problems will consider Risk, Need and Responsivity. Individual’s life goals are taken into account in the process of helping that person find ways to meet their goals safely – Good Lives Model (GLM).